Hello, everyone! I hope you have been enjoying the golf course this sum-mer. It is a little dry out there, but we are looking pretty good. As of this writing, we have received 1.95” of rain since May 28th, and because of this, have had to be very conservative with our water supply. As I men-tioned last month, we will cut back on watering the roughs and other are-as and concentrate on the greens and tees.
In August, we are going to solid tine aerify the greens. We will not need to close the course for this, as it is not as intensive as pulling cores. Solid tine just opens a hole and allows water and nutrients to get down to the roots. It is absolutely beneficial for the long term health of ANY green. Opening up holes in the thatch layer and replacing with sand is an essential practice that has to be done. We will continue to do our weekly verti-cutting and top-dressing of the greens to keep the grain reduced. We will also be cutting back some of the chordgrass in certain areas to keep it growing healthy.

We have finished the filling in of the bunker on #14 (formerly #5). We feel this is a great improvement for the hole.

See you on the course!
Briane Faletto, GCS